Solitary Signs of Spring

This winter has gone on forever. I’m so ready for spring it’s making me itchy.

I’m not the only one. The trees are ready, too. Like this group of redbuds I saw blooming in the woods by my house the other day.  All the other trees were still sleeping, but the redbuds were determined to welcome spring, no matter what.


Cee's Fun Foto Challenge: Alone

11 thoughts on “Solitary Signs of Spring

    1. Thanks, Cee! I have an idea for another image, but I have to go and take it. Considering that it’s gross and rainy today, it might have to wait until later this week.


      1. It makes a difference, doesn’t it? I was thinking this morning that in a few months I’ll be complaining about the heat. Why am I never content? Why? *Shakes fists at sky*

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